Svetskommissionen är en teknisk branschorganisation för fogande industri. Vi jobbar med standardisering, forskning och utbildning. Svetskommissionens viktigaste uppgift är att verka för våra medlemmars intressen.

Resistance nut welding of high strength steel

Erik Tolf, Joakim Hedegård


This project covers resistance projection welding of three different M6 and M8 weld nut types to high- and ultra high strength thin sheet steels ranging up to1500MPa tensile strength.

Static tensiletesting, torsion testing and fractureevaluation as well as metallographicalexaminations were used to evaluate thesuitability of the selected nut types forapplications in high and ultra highstrength steels.

A new etchant was usedfor examining the fusion zone in the nut joints. Different resistance welding equipment were compared and both alternating current and direct current were evaluated.


Senast ändrad av: Peter Hjertsson


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