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Enhanced prospects for Tandem MIG/MAG welding optimisation of the process - part 1

Joakim Hedegård, Erik Tolf, Johan Andersson


Enhanced prospects for Tandem-MIG/MAG welding are discussed in this report from KIMAB-JTC. New and improved application results are compared to previous findings. Aspects on equipment, process settings, limits and joint preparations are given, and recent developments for improved process robustness and versatility are reported. Some recommendations are given on how to use the tandem MIG/MAG process. It is also stated that the tandem MIG/MAG is beginning to be a mature process, ready for full industrial implementation. Welding results from the project trials show a high potential, both in terms of weld penetration and productivity. Welding speeds between 0.8 — 4.5 m/min were achieved, which corresponds to an increase of 50 — 300 % compared tosingle wire welding. This report is Part 1 in a series of 2 reports concerning how to optimise the process.


Senast ändrad av: Peter Hjertsson


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